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 Computers » Programming » Agents » Agent Communication

 Web Pages    1 - 5   of   5

 1 - UMBC KQML Browse Website open in new window
Information and resources for the Knowledge Query Manipulation Language (KQML)


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 2 - FIPA ACL Browse Website open in new window
Specifications of the Agent Communication Language. The FIPA is a consortium of experts providing specifications and recommendations for agent technologies.


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Collection of resources related to the Knowledge Interchange Format. Specifications, manual, and other resources.


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 4 - J.Agentx Browse Website open in new window
A portable, lightweight implementation of the AgentX protocol for SNMP Agent Extensibility. This Java-based package was developed at the University of Coimbra, Portugal. [Freeware]


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This article presents an overview of the need for agent communication, and possible solutions.


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