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 Computers » Open Source » Directories

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A human edited directory of professional Open Source Software intended for the IT community.


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A directory of open source software focused on java.


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 13 - BBC Open Source Browse Website open in new window
Provides information about and links to BBC open source projects.


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Directory of open source software focused in C#.


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Provides a list of open source software organized by categories.


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 16 - Webi.org Browse Website open in new window
Provides a list of software for Windows organized by categories.


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 17 - OS Reviews Browse Website open in new window
Website publishing reviews of free and open source software.


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 18 - Open Source IT Browse Website open in new window
Offers a directory dedicated to enterprise grade open source solutions.


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 19 - My Open Source Browse Website open in new window
A guide to Open Source software for the Windows platform. Lists most popular downloads and offers a review of each product.


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List of free open source software to perform common functions on a Microsoft Windows platform.


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