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 Computers » Multimedia » Music and Audio » Software » Composition » Fractal and Generative

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Algorithmic composer that can generate self-similar structure in polyphonic MIDI music. Freeware by Paul Whalley.


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Combines algorithmic composition techniques with computer-aided composition capabilities.


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A versatile algorithmic composer that can generate music with self-similar structure.


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Algorithmic methods for composition by Jon McCormack.


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 15 - CApieces Browse Website open in new window
Win32 program for generating real-time cellular automata music. Performed by a MIDI ensemble of bass, cello, and two wind.


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 16 - Fractal Composer Browse Website open in new window
Music generation tool based on different types of self-similarity.


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A detailed description by Prof. James Clark of algorithmic techniques using the Nord Modular synthesizer. Includes examples based on chaotic attractors and fractal geometry.


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