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 Computers » Multimedia » Music and Audio » Software » Composition » Fractal and Generative

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   17

 1 - WolframTones Browse Website open in new window
Generates many styles of music using a one-dimensional cellular automaton. A simple interface allow the user to control various parameters.


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Online tool for generating compositions based on motivic scaling. Java programming by Ginger Booth.


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Generates compositions based on user-defined variations of the Thue-Morse sequence. Freeware by Lars Kindermann.


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Software for creating algorithmic MIDI music and graphics from Fractals, DNA, EEGs, EKGs, and other data.


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 5 - Automatous Monk Browse Website open in new window
Uses cellular automata to generate musical pieces. Java programming by Paul Reiners.


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Describes Occam and Nebula, two composition programs by Bruce Jacob that are based on genetic algorithms. Features downloadable recordings and several academic papers.


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Lexicon of systems and research, links, software downloads, documentation, and audio examples.


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 8 - Kakophone Browse Website open in new window
Online music generator based on an unrevealed algorithm. Can be used to generate ringtones.


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 9 - CodeSounding Browse Website open in new window
Free library for automatic music generation from source code structures. Assigns notes and instruments to if, break, block, statements.


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Choose your preferences or use default settings, click generate and then play.


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