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 Computers » Internet » Statistics and Demographics

 Web Pages    11 - 16   of   16 Back to Statistics and Demographics Home 

 11 - NEC Study Browse Website open in new window
Predicts competition and diversity on the web.


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 12 - Security Space Browse Website open in new window
Monthly published research reports covering issues like web server market share, popularity of web sites, and web authoring tools.


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Maps of Internet backbones, sorted by market share.


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Directory of Internet demographics, user surveys, backbone/ISP reviews and Internet topology. Entries categorised and ranked.


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Academic paper from 2003 analysing the geography and demography of the Internet. By Dr Albert Benschop of the University of Amsterdam.


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 16 - StatMetrix Browse Website open in new window
Subscription service that provides monthly research reports and newsletters for global web activity, search engine use, web browser market share, operating systems, connection speeds, and mobile web trends.


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