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 Computers » Internet » Statistics and Demographics


Internet Traffic (6) Log Analysis Tools (200) Web Counters (142)

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   16

Information on Website usage, internet access, and advertising data.


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 2 - WebHosting.Info Browse Website open in new window
Provides statistics and research data about the Web services industry. Tracks over 35, 000 Web hosting companies worldwide.


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CAIDA collects, monitors, analyzes, and visualizes several forms of Internet traffic data concerning network topology, workload characterization, performance, routing, and multicast behavior.


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Internet usage data for 233 countries and regions, consolidated from various periodic surveys.


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A monthly updated survey of web server software usage on computers connected to the Internet. Also surveys most popular websites, and top level domains.


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 6 - ICT statistics Browse Website open in new window
Statistics extracted from the ITU World Telecommunication Indicators Database, concerning the spread of information and communication technologies in over 200 economies worldwide


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 7 - Netvalley Browse Website open in new window
IT history, reports, statistics and ranks.


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Browser usage statistics from the major sites and some analysis.


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Contains graphical representations of the Internet. Looks like star maps, but with websites grouped by ISP.


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Data, maps and analysis on the geographic distribution of Internet domain names by city, region, state, and country.


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