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 Computers » Internet » Searching » Metasearch

 Web Pages    21 - 30   of   45 Back to Metasearch Home 

 21 - FuzzFind Browse Website open in new window
A web search mashup that combines user personalized search results from the leading search engines (Google, Yahoo! Search and Windows Live Search) and social bookmarking sites (del.icio.us).


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 22 - TripleMe Browse Website open in new window
Fetches results in multiple side-by-side columns. Supports many languages and provides spelling suggestions as well as an option to remove duplicate results.


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 23 - Findelio Browse Website open in new window
Metasearch engine with country specific search option.


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Combines the results of Google, Yahoo, MSN Search and Ask Jeeves in one advertisement-free stream, highlighted to show the source of each result. The user can exclude selected engines, or select the ratio of results from them.


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 25 - Qksearch Browse Website open in new window
Provides web, images, mp3, jobs, and news search in 6 different languages.


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Tree search expanding to more than 15 categories. Link extraction, conversion to PDF, Inline viewing and URL shortening.


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Supports multiple languages: English, German, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish and Dutch.


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Queries multiple search engines simultaneously with the same or different words. Options include serving results separately, interleaved or combined in alphabetical order.


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Creates a combined index from major search engines and directories. Each result comes with an option to find similar sites.


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Queries major search engines and serves the results in a sequence of 10 per source in the default setting. Advanced options include combined results and choice of engine.


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