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 Computers » Internet » Searching » Metasearch


InfoSpace (4) Mamma.com (3) Question Answering (6)

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This search tool from Vivísimo offers clustered results for a selection of searches. Metasearch the whole web, or use tabs to search for news, gossip, images, or products. Options to search Wikipedia, blogs and Slashdot.


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Displays results in chart or classic list form. Options include different language interfaces and basic or expert version.


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Searches the web, MP3s, pictures and news archives via regular, Boolean and natural language. Finds sites rated best by multiple engines for your query.


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 4 - Answers.com Browse Website open in new window
An ad-supported reference search service, which displays concise answers drawn from over 100 encyclopedias, dictionaries, glossaries and atlases.


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Meta-search engine that provides real-time page summaries - 'site snaps'. Those who open free accounts can select from a list of hundreds of search sources, and save and share what they find.


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 6 - Turbo 10 Browse Website open in new window
Metasearch engine, offering results from user chosen groups of search engines.


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Meta search engine with added social functions: voting up and down results, commenting.


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 8 - WindSeek Browse Website open in new window
Metasearch engine with a simple interface from the same stable as Entireweb. It offers web or image search and results show ranking from each source.


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 9 - Seek2Day Browse Website open in new window
Metasearch from Entireweb with options included such as search by phrase, title or Boolean queries, and a choice of engines.


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Clusters search results. It presents a diagram of themes within the results, from which the user can select one or all results. Options to search Australian sites only or the full Web.


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