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 Computers » Internet » RFCs » 1001 - 1100

 Web Pages    71 - 80   of   99 Back to 1001 - 1100 Home 

 71 - RFC 1044 Browse Website open in new window
Internet Protocol on Network System's HYPERchannel: Protocol Specification. K. Hardwick, J. Lekashman. February 1988.


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 72 - RFC 1085 Browse Website open in new window
ISO Presentation Services on Top of TCP/IP Based Internet's. M.T. Rose. December 1988.


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 73 - RFC 1051 Browse Website open in new window
Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams and ARP Packets Over ARCNET Networks. P.A. Prindeville. March 1988.


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 74 - RFC 1070 Browse Website open in new window
Use of the Internet as a Subnetwork for Experimentation with the OSI Network Layer. R.A. Hagens, N.E. Hall, M.T. Rose. February 1989.


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 75 - RFC 1013 Browse Website open in new window
X Window System Protocol, Version 11: Alpha Update April 1987. R.W. Scheifler. June 1987.


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 76 - RFC 1097 Browse Website open in new window
Telnet Subliminal-Message Option. B. Miller. April 1989.


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 77 - RFC 1037 Browse Website open in new window
NFILE - a File Access Protocol. B. Greenberg, S. Keene. December 1987.


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 78 - RFC 1062 Browse Website open in new window
Internet Numbers. S. Romano, M.K. Stahl, M. Recker. August 1988.


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 79 - RFC 1069 Browse Website open in new window
Guidelines for the Use of Internet-IP Addresses in the ISO Connectionless-Mode Network Protocol. R.W. Callon, H.W. Braun. February 1989.


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 80 - RFC 1088 Browse Website open in new window
Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams Over NetBIOS Networks. L.J. McLaughlin. February 1989.


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