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 Computers » Internet » RFCs » 1001 - 1100

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 51 - RFC 1068 Browse Website open in new window
Background File Transfer Program (BFTP). A.L. DeSchon, R.T. Braden. August 1988.


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 52 - RFC 1081 Browse Website open in new window
Post Office Protocol: Version 3. M.T. Rose. November 1988.


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 53 - RFC 1020 Browse Website open in new window
Internet Numbers. S. Romano, M.K. Stahl. November 1987.


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 54 - RFC 1046 Browse Website open in new window
Queuing Algorithm to Provide Type-of-Service for IP Links. W. Prue, J. Postel. February 1988.


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 55 - RFC 1090 Browse Website open in new window
SMTP on X.25. R. Ullmann. February 1989.


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 56 - RFC 1040 Browse Website open in new window
Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail: Part I. J. Linn. January 1988.


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 57 - RFC 1089 Browse Website open in new window
SNMP over Ethernet. M.L. Schoffstall, C. Davin, M. Fedor, J.D. Case. February 1989.


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 58 - RFC 1005 Browse Website open in new window
ARPANET AHIP-E Host Access Protocol (Enhanced AHIP). A. Khanna, A.G. Malis. May 1987.


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 59 - RFC 1021 Browse Website open in new window
High-Level Entity Management System (HEMS). C. Partridge, G. Trewitt. October 1987.


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 60 - RFC 1022 Browse Website open in new window
High-Level Entity Management Protocol (HEMP). C. Partridge, G. Trewitt. October 1987.


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