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 Computers » History » Pioneers » Moore, Gordon

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Private grantmaking organization based in the Presidio of San Francisco, works to achieve significant, lasting, measurable outcomes in 3 main areas: environmental conservation, science, San Francisco Bay Area.


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Holds Cambridge University Library's working collections in mathematics, physics, astronomy, computer science, materials science, engineering. [Cambridge University Library]


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A 40-year old forecast of technology integration fuels the world economy, improves the lives of billions. Explanations of causes, effects. [Intel Corp.]


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 4 - Gordon Moore Browse Website open in new window
Growing biography, with links to related topics. [Wikipedia]


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 5 - Gordon Moore Browse Website open in new window
Information from Transistorized television documentary. Coproduction of ScienCentral, Inc., and The American Institute of Physics. [PBS.org]


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Semi-interview; Moore discusses history, technology and business trends. [Techworld]


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Olympos Tree Houses

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