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 Computers » Hardware » Systems » Sun

 Web Pages    11 - 20   of   56 Back to Sun Home 

Designs and manufactures a wide range of multiport synchronous and asynchronous multiport serial controllers for Sun Solaris.


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A US-based partner of Sun providing IT solutions design, development, hardware and software. Lists resources, news, and contact information.


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Offers video, mobility and infrastructure intelligence solutions using SunOne architecture, and platforms.


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 14 - Q Associates Browse Website open in new window
UK Sun Microsystems reseller for storage area networks, systems, workstations and servers.


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 15 - Sandyx Systems Browse Website open in new window
A UK consultancy specializing in UNIX, Solaris, Oracle, Ingres, data storage and outsourcing. Includes information about products, support and training.


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A Sun Solution Reseller for datacenter, enterprise and workgroup solutions, b2net supplies Unix and network hardware.


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A collection of links and other informational resources related to Sun products and how they may be managed.


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A Sun Microsystems OEM designing custom IT solutions, professional and integration services and Sun educational services.


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New and refurbished Sun and compatible workstations and servers, offering trade-in programs and over 15 years experience in sales and service for Sun. ISO 9002 quality.


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 20 - AnySystem.com Browse Website open in new window
Sells a selection of refurbished Sun Microsystems products including UltraSparc workstations, SparcStations, and Enterprise servers, monitors, adapters, storage, and parts.


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