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 Computers » Hardware » Systems » Sun


SCO-IBM Lawsuit (8) Solaris (61) SPARC (19)

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Provides details of the range of hardware products offered by the company.


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 2 - SunSolve Online Browse Website open in new window
Sun's informational and patch database service, with a browsable directory listing of all publicly available Sun Microsystems support documents.


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A weblog site maintained by the CEO and President of Sun Microsystems, featuring insight to the company and its products.


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Sun's latest news, events, product information and promotions from the United Kingdom, with resources for customers, developers, service providers, system admins, CIOs, and investors.


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HPCVL was formed by a consortium of four universities located in Eastern Ontario, Canada, to support innovative research in a broad spectrum of disciplines. A Sun Centre of Excellence site.


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Trades in refurbished Sun, Cobalt and Cisco systems and peripherals, and provides sample lists of goods available for sale.


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Resellers of servers, workstations, parts and peripherals of Sun and UNIX based systems.


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An independent resource for information relating to Sun Microsystems products and operating systems, including links to current news articles, forums, vendors, and support.


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Offers IT consulting services, on-demand application solutions and on-premise IT products. Includes company profile, careers, and press releases.


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Concerns setup and use of Solaris running on Intel Hardware


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