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 Computers » Hardware » Systems » Quiet


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 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   31

 1 - Quiet PC Browse Website open in new window
Sells worldwide, systems and parts: power supplies, cases, case fans, CPU coolers, video card coolers, sound proofing, hard drive enclosures, motherboard heatsinks, case feet, cables, adapters. Malton, UK.


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 2 - VeryPC Ltd. Browse Website open in new window
Provides green computer systems, other support and services: Apple and PC networking, network, bespoke equipment, contracting. Sheffield, United Kingdom.


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Reviews, news, information on quiet, low noise, and/or silent computers and components, silencing methods, DIY modifications, full systems, and their energy efficiency and thermal performance.


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Encyclopedia article, with links to many topics.


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Makes and sells custom Mini/Nano/Pico-ITX, and other small systems and parts, mainly for industry-specific embedded and applied system markets. South Burlington, Vermont, USA.


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Makes low power, fanless, diskless, silent, open source, subscription-based desktop PC. subsidiary of PConRails LLC. Menlo Park, California, USA.


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 7 - EndPCNoise.com Browse Website open in new window
Sells quiet and silent systems and parts: hard drives, power supplies, fans (CPU, motherboard, case, video card); since 1999. Vancouver, Washington, USA.


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 8 - The Silent PC Browse Website open in new window
Investigates and documents acoustic aspect of information technology, ergonomics, growing interest in and market for acoustic comfort, how ISO 9296 standard helps to identify quiet devices.


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Makes and sells line of ergonomic and aesthetically designed silent computer systems to end users, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), resellers. English, Deutsch. Stuttgart, Germany.


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Makes and sells line of small, quiet, aluminum cased notebook sized computers and conventional Common Building Block (CBB) laptops; many standard and custom configurations. Thousand Oaks, California, USA.


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