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 Computers » Graphics » Web » Coordinated Sets » Linkware

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 41 - Thrifty Grafix Browse Website open in new window
Free themed country, flowers, scenic, animals, and retro sets. PSP tubes, desktop wallpaper, and Bladepro Presets.


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 42 - YMV Designs Browse Website open in new window
Offers table sets, and border sets.


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Sets include left-hand borders, invisible frames, and interface with mouseovers effects. Site also offers Paint Shop Pro tubes, tutorials and a gallery of art work.


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Sets include such themes as medieval, outer space, castles, funky, elegant, and art deco.


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Sets and templates which are available in such themes as country, wedding, floral, top border, frames, suites, small business, holiday, and easy to use.


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Sets offered in such categories as angels, fairies, flowers, whimsical, and geometric. Also calling cards, hug cards, and awards. Note: May not support some browsers.


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