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 Computers » Graphics » Web » Coordinated Sets » Linkware

 Web Pages    21 - 30   of   46 Back to Linkware Home 

 21 - Whiz Graphics Browse Website open in new window
Themed sets, backgrounds, buttons, animated GIFs, and interfaces. Site also offers Poser and Bryce freebies and backgrounds. Custom work is available.


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 22 - Frog Border Sets Browse Website open in new window
Borders and backgrounds featuring the photography of Debbie Orlean.


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Graphics are categorized as historical, ancient, cultural, floral, nature, seasonal, the arts, Shakespeare, memorial, kids, metals and gems, and miscellaneous. Site also offers purchaseware sets and Outlook stationery. Custom work is available.


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Offering a selection of linkware with various color schemes and design themes, including interface designs. Other items include custom graphics and graphics for sale, Blade Pro presets, and an online color picker tool.


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Themed sets, including magic carpet designs, jeweled sets, and art deco.


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Coordinated linkware themes designed for content-driven personal or non-profit web pages.


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 27 - CatMar Design Browse Website open in new window
Themed web sets and stationery. Topics include nature, tulips, the beach, teddy bears, seasons, and all holidays.


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 28 - Iron and Ivy Browse Website open in new window
Sets organized into categories such as fractal kaleidoscope, quickies, and interfaces, with themes such as floral, tech, ancient, jewels, seasonal, alien, assorted color schemes, and a variety of others.


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Selection of graphics, many with unusual designs. Themes include florals, abstracts, and many feature figures. Site also includes a gallery, assorted freebies, and graphics specifically designed for business use.


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 30 - Colorized Pixels Browse Website open in new window
Linkware web sets for personal use, license available for commercial use. Also available are shareware sets and Weblogtemplates. Free PSP tubes, textures, Blade Pro presets, KPT environments and light presets.


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