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 Computers » Graphics » Textures

 Web Pages    31 - 40   of   52 Back to Textures Home 

 31 - Texture Xtras Browse Website open in new window
A community website for sharing textures. Registration is free.


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Textures of rust, metals, slime, and wood, files are in .PCX and JPG format.


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 33 - MR Materials Browse Website open in new window
A collection of free textures as well as a series of complete materials for 3DS Max, Maya, XSI and mental ray.


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 34 - Afterlife Browse Website open in new window
Abnormal and normal human textures, also for monsters. Samples online, or order the CD.


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Professional textures libraries and materials, available on CD. Tutorials are about materials and mapping using any software.


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 36 - Mutation Browse Website open in new window
High-resolution textures on CD-ROM, to use in various image and video editing, animation and 3D applications like Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, Bryce, Poser and 3D MAX.


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 37 - Textures 2 Go Browse Website open in new window
Provides a range of low resolution textures for free and slightly larger resolution for purchase.


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 38 - clearingpoint.de Browse Website open in new window
Textures from the categories fantasy, artificial and nature.


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Pre made textures, backrounds, elements and graphics for After Effects.


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 40 - Texture Portal Browse Website open in new window
A collection of textures available for purchase.


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