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 Computers » Computer Science » Conferences » 2008


Parallel Computing (23)  

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   13

 1 - ICALP 2008 Browse Website open in new window
35th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming. Reykjavik, Iceland. 6-13 July 2008.


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 2 - PETRA 2008 Browse Website open in new window
1st International Conference on Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments. Arlington, USA; 15-19 July 2008.


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 3 - STOC 2008 Browse Website open in new window
40th ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing. Victoria, Canada; 17-20 May 2008.


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 4 - ICITA 2008 Browse Website open in new window
5th International Conference on Information Technology and Applications. Cairns, Australia; 23-26 June 2008.


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 5 - STACS 2008 Browse Website open in new window
25th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science. Bordeaux, France; 21-23 February 2008.


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 6 - IWSOS 2008 Browse Website open in new window
3rd International Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems. Vienna, Austria; 10-12 December 2008.


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11th International Multiconference Information Society. Ljubljana, Slovenia; 13-17 October 2008.


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 8 - RuleML-2008 Browse Website open in new window
International Symposium on Rule Interchange and Applications. Orlando, Florida, USA; 30-31 October 2008.


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 9 - LATIN'08 Browse Website open in new window
8th Latin American Theoretical Informatics Symposium. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; 7-11 April 2008.


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 10 - MFCS 2008 Browse Website open in new window
33rd International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science. Toru , Poland; 25-29 August 2008.


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