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 Computers » Parallel Computing » Conferences » 2008

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 1 - Infoscale 2008 Browse Website open in new window
3rd International ICST Conference on Scalable Information Systems. June 4-6, Vico Equense, Italy.


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 2 - CCGrid 2008 Browse Website open in new window
8th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid. May 19-22, Lyon, France.


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 3 - PCGrid 2008 Browse Website open in new window
2nd Workshop on Desktop Grids and Volunteer Computing Systems. April 18, Miami, Florida, USA.


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Focus on the pitfalls and potential of many-core systems. March 27-28, Shanghai, China.


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 5 - PARA 2008 Browse Website open in new window
Workshop on Parallel HPC. May 13-16, Trondheim, Norway.


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 6 - CONCUR 2008 Browse Website open in new window
19th International Conference on Concurrency Theory. August 19-22, Toronto, Canada.


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 7 - ICPP 2008 Browse Website open in new window
International Conference on Parallel Processing. September 8-12, Portland, Oregon, USA.


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SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing. March 12-14, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.


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 9 - Euro-Par 2008 Browse Website open in new window
14th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing. August 26-29, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.


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 10 - ICCS 2008 Browse Website open in new window
International Conference on Computational Science. June 23-25, Kraków, Poland.


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