Faculty of Informatics: School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences. Jordanstown and Magee campuses. Research areas include: AI; Information engineering; Internet technology; Medical informatics; Software engineering.
Computer Learning Research Centre. Research in: Computer learning; Inductive and transductive inference; Universal prediction; High-dimensional data analysis.
Computing Department. Teaching and research areas: Software technology, software engineering and object-oriented development; Interactive multimedia; Social aspects of computing; Informatics education.
School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences. Research groups: Applied artificial intelligence; Distributed multimedia systems and security; Information systems.
Information Engineering (Mathematics and Computing). Research includes: Machine intelligence; Coding and communication; Neurological information processing.
School of Computing. Research areas: Distributed systems and mobile agents; Evolutionary computation; Edinburgh social informatics; Human-computer interaction; Database and object systems; HCI; ITC.
Department of Computer Science. Research groups: Visualization; Simulation and modelling; Neural, emergent and agent technologies; Distributed systems engineering.
Department of Computing. Research areas: Databases, Formal methods, Software testing, Software engineering, Algorithms, Cryptography, AI, Graphics and Natural language processing.