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 Computers » Computer Science » Academic Departments » Europe » United Kingdom


Loughborough University (3) University of Edinburgh (8) University of Glasgow (3)
University of London, Imperial College (4) University of Manchester (4) University of Reading (3)
University of Southampton (7) University of St. Andrews (3)  

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   78

Computing Department. Research interests include: distributed multimedia systems; mobile computing; software systems engineering; interactive systems and natural language processing.


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Computing Laboratory. Research groups include Theoretical computer science, Networks and distributed systems, Software and systems engineering, Information systems, Parallel and scientific computing, and Computers and education research.


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School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Research areas: High performance computing; Software engineering; Image and vision systems; Natural language and speech processing; Engineering and scientific applications.


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Department of Computing Science. Research themes: Bioinformatics; Medical informatics; Databases and distributed information management; Knowledge based systems.


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School of Computer Science and Information Technology. Research: Automated scheduling, optimisation and planning; Interactive media; Languages and programming; Recognition, Reasoning and vision; Mixed reality laboratory.


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Department of Computer Science. Research groups: Agents; Algorithmics; Logics; Pattern recognition and image analysis (PRImA).


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Computing group of Faculty of Arts, Computing, Engineering and Sciences.


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Department of Computing Science. Research groups: Dependability; Distributed systems; Parallelism; Theory; VLSI design.


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School of Computing Science.


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School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences. Departments of Actuarial Mathematics; Computer Science; Mathematics.


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