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 Computers » Companies » Software Development » Embedded Systems

 Web Pages    71 - 80   of   132 Back to Embedded Systems Home 

 71 - theByteFactory Browse Website open in new window
A Microchip Consultant and LONWorks Node Developer offering design and programming services as well as affordable PICmicro Development Tools. Benefit from intellectual property and skills obtained during more than a decade of experience with embedded ...


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Developers of printer driver and print manager for VxWorks. Also provide graphics, custom bitmap fonts, and vectored font solutions for embedded systems.


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 73 - Ampersand Browse Website open in new window
Develops embedded systems and control software for real-time operating systems such as VxWorks, LynxOS, and MC/OS.


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Provides the CASE-Tool TRICE for graphical modelling and automatic code generation. This tool is based around the ROOM methodology.


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High speed embedded design company for both both hardware and software. Device driver experts on Linux, Windows and VxWorks


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Describes project management service, FIRE-Mail system, and custom USB driver development services. Also provides overviews of company history and its capabilities.


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 77 - DipoleTech Browse Website open in new window
Offers custom development of real-time operating systems, embedded software libraries, and algorithms.


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Specializes in custom real-time embedded systems and applications.


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 79 - Lextel, Inc. Browse Website open in new window
Supplier of ISys Integrated System Infrastructure Software for embedded and real time systems. Includes CLI tools, Client/Server Event Logging, and Interprocessor Messaging.


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Specialists in creating bespoke embedded software systems, engineered to provide added functionality and control to the products and processes of European manufacturers.


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