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 Computers » Bulletin Board Systems » Individual Systems » Directories

 Web Pages    1 - 6   of   6

A compilation of BBS numbers garnered from a number of sources; intended to be a historical record of all the Bulletin Board Systems that ever existed.


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Listings of telnettable bulletin board systems throughout the world, allowing to tog onto BBS systems without having to dial long distance.


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 3 - BBSmates Browse Website open in new window
Hosts a database of servers that existed from the eighties to present, trying to be as exhaustive as possible and inviting those who were involved in the BBS scene to register. Also allows to search for past contacts.


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Contains listings of Synchronet Bulletin Board Systems, this list of some of the BBS' online is updated 24 hours a day.


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 5 - BBSfinder.com Browse Website open in new window
A dynamically updated real time BBS list. Includes a search engine and an explanatory page on how the updates are being made.


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Bulletin Board Systems in the Denton, Texas area.


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Olympos Tree Houses

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