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 Computers » Artificial Life » Particle Swarm » People

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One of the founders of particle swarm optimization. IEEE fellow


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 2 - Abido, Mohammad Browse Website open in new window
Assistant professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. Includes description of his research areas.


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 3 - Hu, Xiaohui Browse Website open in new window
Research focus is biomedical data analysis and computational intelligence, especially particle swarm optimization.


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His research interests include particle swarm, evolutionary computation, pattern recognition, bioinformatics and neural networks.


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 5 - Shi, Yuhui Browse Website open in new window
Researcher in Particle swarm optimization, fuzzy logic, evolutionary computation.


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 6 - Xie, Xiao-Feng Browse Website open in new window
Particle swarm optimization (PSO), differential evolution (DE) and hybrid algorithms, for optimization problems.


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His research interests include application of intelligent systems to power systems and power systems analysis. Some of his papers can be downloaded from the website.


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 8 - Li, Xiaodong Browse Website open in new window
Swarm intelligence, Ant colony algorithms, Particle Swarm, Differential Evolution, Multi-agent simulation


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Professor at Syracuse University, research interests include evolutionary algorithms and artificial neural networks.


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 10 - Lascari, Eleni Browse Website open in new window
Personal information, publications, game theory, particle swarm, stochastic optimization, evolutionary algorithms


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