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 Computers » Artificial Intelligence » Machine Learning » Software

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Machine learning software projects from several members of the NEC staff. Sourcecode, Documentation, and some supporting publications are also available. [FREE]


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 42 - WinMine Toolkit Browse Website open in new window
A set of tools for Windows 2000/NT/XP that allow you to build statistical models from data. [Free]


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Hidden Markov Models software library from the Center of Applied Informatics, Cologne. Includes algorithms such as Viterbi, Baum-Welch, and Forward-Backward. [GPL]


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A learning architecture specifically tailored for learning in very high-dimensional feature spaces. The current release uses sparse variations of Winnow, Perceptron, and Naive Bayes. [AFL]


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A fast graph clustering software that computes normalized cut and ratio association for a given undirected graph without any eigenvector computation.


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The aim of this project is to develop a Computational Environment for integrating the design and use of knowledge extraction models from data using evolutionary algorithms. Genetic learning may also be applied to the model. [GPL]


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A collection of downloadable packages including: KM - The Knowledge Machine, Guiding Inductive Learning with a Qualitative Model, LPE - Lazy Partial Evaluation, and CN2 - Rule induction from examples. [GPL]


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 48 - Markov TheBeast Browse Website open in new window
A Markov Logic Interpreter that focuses on efficient MAP inference and Online Learning featuring MAP inference using Cutting Planes combined with Max-Walk-Sat programming, parametrized weights, a shell interpreter, and cardinality constraints. [GPL]


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A formal system for constructing artificial intelligent software agents from the book, 'Design of Logic-based Intelligent Systems' covering such topics as production rules, neural nets, support vector machines, fuzzy logic, and Bayesian networks. Lice...


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Anonymous sites from popular colleges and universities. To access other pages just replace the 6 in URL with numbers 1-23. [Free]


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