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 Computers » Artificial Intelligence » Machine Learning » Software

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A general purpose machine-learning program based on boosting for building a classifier from text and/or attribute-value data. [GPL]


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A community effort listing of reproducible research via open source software, open access to data and results, and open standards for interchange. [FREE]


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FTP repository of common list algorithms and datasets for research. [GPL]


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Software for learning mixture distributions. Examples and two case studies are included. [Commercial]


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Tools for modeling graphs and Bayesian networks. Scroll down. [AFL], [Commercial]


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A library of tools for constructing maximum entropy (maxent) model in either python or C++. Some program features are L-BFGS and GIS parameter estimation, and gaussian prior smoothing. [GPL]


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Programmatically isolate similarities between scattered classes of genes. Expression driven. Utilizes a voting method along with a k-Nearest-Neighbors classification. Very rich graphical interface. Samples of an unknown class are possible given enough...


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Software for counting and analyzing word n-grams in text. This package provides standard tests of association for identifying word n-grams in large corpora and allows users to implement other tests with minimal scripting knowledge. Written in Perl. [GPL]


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 39 - The Lisa Project Browse Website open in new window
A production rule based system implemented in a Common Lisp Object System (CLOS) for the development of Lisp based intelligent software agents. [LGPL]


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 40 - SenseClusters Browse Website open in new window
Programs to cluster similar contexts together using unsupervised knowledge-lean methods for word sense discrimination, email categorization, and name discrimination. Written in Perl. [GNU]


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