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Intelligent decision aids, aircraft cabin display systems, intelligent control of automated vehicles, supply chain control system, intelligent systems development.


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 22 - METALogic n.v. Browse Website open in new window
METALogic is active in the whole field of Materials Engineering and Advanced I.T. i.e. advice and measurement services, corrosion research as well as the development of materials information systems(AI)


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 23 - IntelliCrafters Browse Website open in new window
Deploys knowledged-based solutions in organizations of all types and sizes. Information on products and services.


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Data mining, knowledge based systems and the authors of XpertRule KBS software. Specialists in expert systems, rule induction and fuzzy logic.


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Software components for strategic systems - knowledge engineering.


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Source for neural network based data modeling, prediction, forecasting and optimization solutions. Areas of focus includes: Banking and Finance, Manufacturing, Marketing, Medical.


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The VigiPro solution is a recognised methodology for the implementation of a strategic intelligence process with concrete results and a software using the Intranet/Extranet environment that was specially developed to support all the activities of a st...


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Real-time optimization system learns the process dynamics and adjusts process setpoint, optimizing a single procedure or an entire enterprise.


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Specializing in a new type of hardware and software which allows for the creating of smart and dynamic circuits which can respond to changes in their environment.


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Products include: Adaptive fuzzy feature mapping, intelligent procurement card system management, preemployment profiler, adaptive temporal correlation network, tax audit screening, expert system shell.


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