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 Computers » Artificial Intelligence » Companies


Artificial Life (3) Data Mining Consultants (36) Data Mining Tool Vendors (63)
Neural Networks (17)

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   43

 1 - SPSS, Inc. Browse Website open in new window
Business intelligence, especially data mining, as well as three vertical markets: survey and market research, quality improvement and scientific research.


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The Cyc Common Sense product family comprises an immense multi-contextual knowledge base, an efficient inference engine, a set of interface tools, and a number of special-purpose application modules.


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 3 - Strategy.com Browse Website open in new window
Division of MicroStrategy. Provider of enterprise decision support software which allows sophisticated analyses across large volumes of numerical data stored in relational database data warehouses.


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Provider of expert system software and services based on G2, the company's unique, high-performance reasoning-engine technology. Includes typical usage scenarios and applications, case studies, whitepapers and corporate information.


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Specializing in automated reasoning and machine learning technologies for business rule processing, intelligent agents, information retrieval, and diagnosis.


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Prolog compilers for Windows and Mac, expert system shell, object-oriented prolog, data mining.


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 7 - Hugin Expert Browse Website open in new window
Expert system software house in construction and execution of Bayesian Belief Networks (also known as Bayesian Networks, Belief Networks, or Causal Probabilistic Networks).


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SHAI is an artificial intelligence (AI) research and development company that provides consulting and custom software development services: Adaptive training, scheduling systems, knowledge access tools, collaboration tools, design and manufacturing su...


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Belief networks and influence diagrams for data mining, decision analysis, diagnosis, prediction, creating software agents, real-time control, signal conditioning, sensor fusion, expert system building, statistical analysis, probabilistic modeling and...


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 10 - Novacast Browse Website open in new window
Database mining, knowledge-based systems, rule induction, neural nets, genetic algorithms.


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