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 Computers » Algorithms » Conferences » Past Conferences

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 21 - ALGO 2003 Browse Website open in new window
Comprising: ESA 2003 (11th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms); WABI 2003 (3rd Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics); ATMOS 2003 (Algorithmic Methods and Models for Optimization of Railways); WAOA 2003 (Workshop on Approximation and Online Al...


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Algorithms for Hard Problems: prelude to WEA 2003. Lugano, Switzerland; 19--23 May 2003.


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 23 - OLA 2004 Browse Website open in new window
Workshop on On-Line Algorithms: a satellite workshop of SWAT 2004. Rungstedgaard, Rungsted Kyst, Denmark; 5--7 July 2004.


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 24 - WADS 2001 Browse Website open in new window
Seventh International Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures. Brown University, Providence, RI, USA; 8--10 August 2001.


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Third international workshop on Implicit Computational Complexity. Co-located with PADO II and MFPS XVII. Aarhus, Denmark; 20--21 May 2001.


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First workshop on open problems in algorithmics. Anogia Academic Village, Crete, Greece; 30 May -- 3 June 2005.


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 27 - URAW 2002 Browse Website open in new window
Upper Rhine Algorithms Workshop. ETH Zurich, Switzerland; 18--19 October 2002.


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 28 - SAT 2001 Browse Website open in new window
Workshop on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing. Boston University, MA, USA; 14--15 June 2001.


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 29 - ANALCO04 Browse Website open in new window
The First Workshop on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics. Held in conjunction with ALENEX04 and SODA04. New Orleans, LA, USA; 10 January 2004.


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Ninth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms. Holiday Inn Golden Gateway Hotel, San Francisco, CA, USA; 25--27 January 1998.


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