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Krynica Morska, near Gdansk, Poland; 3--7 July 2000. Abstracts, photographs.


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 12 - WABI 2001 Browse Website open in new window
First Workshop on Algorithms in BioInformatics: covering research in all aspects of algorithmic work in bioinformatics. The emphasis is on discrete algorithms that address important problems in molecular biology, that are founded on sound models, that...


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Following SODA04. New Orleans, LA, USA; 14 January 2004.


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DIMACS special year 1995-6.


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DIMACS Workshop, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ, USA; 11--12 March 1996.


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IPAM, Los Angelese, CA, USA; 3--5 June 2002.


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DIMACS/IAS Workshop. Part of the special year on Large-scale Discrete Optimisation. Princeton, NJ, USA; 2--4 November 1998.


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MSRI, Berkeley, CA; 14--18 June 2004.


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Research programme at the Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge UK. Themes include: Randomised algorithms; "Phase transitions" in statistical physics and computer science; Random graphs and structures. August -- December 2002.


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Poznan, Poland; 6--10 August 2001.


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