Image that reads Center for Educational Technologies. This image links to the Center for Educational Technologies home page.

Center for Educational Technologies projects have ended (except Challenger Learning Center) and are no longer funded.

An image that reads CyGamesMetaphorically Speaking
Metaphors make for interesting writing, no doubt. But they also can play an important role in helping students learn difficult science concepts.

At the Center for Educational Technologies® our CyGaMEs project is investigating how educational videogames can help players more easily grasp complex science concepts by relating them to something they already understand. It's not quite the same as such written metaphors as "boiling mad" or "silken touch." Instead, CyGaMEs spurs videogame designers to incorporate concepts players already understand. CyGaMEs also is based on solid instructional design principles. And that metaphor is no "bald-faced lie."

Wheeling Jesuit Univeristy