The book covers requirements definition, component identification, component interaction, component specification, and provisioning and assembly stages of a component-based software development lifecycle. By John Cheesman and John Daniels, Addison-Wesley.
The book provides an introduction to and overview of component software. Covers MS (D)COM(+), OMG CORBA, IBM SOM as well as more theoretical programming language aspects. By Clemens Szyperski, Addison-Wesley.
Provides designers and developers with the tools required to understand CORBA technology at the architectural, design, and source code levels. Includes free IDL-to-C++ mapping and DynAny chapters. (Michi Henning and Steve Vinoski)
Covers IIOP specifics including CDR, HTTP-NG message protocol patterns, message stream patterns, and object adapter patterns. (William Ruh, Thomas Herron and Paul Klinker)
By Grady Booch, Doug Bryan; Addison Wesley Professional, 1994, ISBN 0805306080, 3rd edition. Full introduction to Ada programming, shows how to maximize the potential of Ada using an object-oriented methodology. [Addison Wesley]
This tutorial is driven by examples which help the novice C++ programmer solve problems in terms of choice of language features, implementation, and efficiency. (Stanley Lippman, Josee Lajoie, Barbara Moo)