"Imagine our surprise when we found out that the Ford Motor Company was actually taking us to court to get us to stop pointing www.fuckgeneralmotors.com at ford.com." Includes links to legal filings in PDF and WordPerfect format. [2600]
"This time, General Motors found out that we had registered fuckgeneralmotors.com and they are demanding that we turn it over to them at once." Includes scanned image of letter from GM. [2600]
"The Ford Motor Company is now appealing to the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals to overturn our recent victory against their frivolous lawsuit which sought to prevent us from linking a web page to them." [2600]
"Ford Motor Company has officially and unconditionally conceded its complete, utter, and perpetual loss on the merits of the FORD v. 2600 "FuckGeneralMotors.com" case." [2600]
"This time, a parody site that we put up years ago has apparently come under fire due to the expanded power given to corporations through WIPO." [2600]
Verizon Wireless threatened to sue 2600 under the Anticybersquatting Act for registering VerizonReallySucks.com. 2600 then registered VerizonShouldSpendMoreTimeFixingItsNetworkAndLessMoneyOnLawyers.com. [2600]