Device driver for random number generation using entropy sources within a PC using no additional hardware. On-line purchase, free download of trial version.
Resources in Adaptive Behavior, Reinforcement Learning, Computational Evolution, Natural Evolution, AI in general and Conferences. Maintained by Mark Humphreys, Dublin City University.
2003, October 13-17, Beijing, China. An IEEE/WIC conference exploring the impact of artificial intelligence on the next generation of web-empowered products, systems, services and activities. Submission deadline 20 March 2003.
2003, March 21-23, Hong Kong, China. Theoretical advances and practical applications in intelligent data engineering and automated learning. Submission deadline 31 December 2002.
2005 September 19-22, Compiegne, France. IEEE/WIC/ACM Conference on web intelligence and intelligent agent technology. Submission deadline 3 April 2005