University of Udine - Knowledge-based systems (diagnosis, temporal reasoning, modeling of physical systems, qualitative reasoning) and human-computer interaction (desktop virtual reality, information visualization, 3d, multimedia and multimodal interf...
University of Udine - Autonomous robot control, behaviour-based planning, coordination among autonomus agents, self-organization in autonomous robotics.
University of Udine - Lambda calculus; foundations, especially of informatics; type systems for OO languages; logical frameworks and formal verification of proofs, programs, and systems; semantics of programming languages and program logics; mathemati...
University of Udine - Logical specifications of real-time systems, temporal and object-oriented databases, deductive databases, temporal representation and reasoning, modal and temporal logic, set theory.
University of Udine - Semantics of programming languages, formal verification of process/program properties, logical frameworks based on typed lambda-calculus.
University of Udine - Knowledge based system development, student modeling, user modeling, intelligent information retrieval, intelligent information filtering.