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   1 quotes  07-January-2012 
IBM's Computer Vision Group - Research areas include PeopleVision, Biometrics and controlling computers by observing the user

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 2 - ICME 2000 Browse Website open in new window
   1 quotes  07-January-2012 
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo. New York City, NY, USA; 30 July -- 2 August 2000.

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   1 quotes  07-January-2012 
Research group at IBM's T. J. Watson Research Center; research focuses include mobile agents, system security, and information economies.

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   1 quotes  07-January-2012 
IBM Research - Quantum information and computation theory.

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   1 quotes  07-January-2012 
IBM India Research Lab, New Delhi - Multimodal Speech Recognition, Image Processing.

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   1 quotes  07-January-2012 
Very-Long Instruction Word architectures: an alternative way to organize processors. Instead of the trend toward hardware making complex decisions for scheduling machine-level instructions in programs, VLIW systems do scheduling at compile time.

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   1 quotes  07-January-2012 
Goals: make VLIW and other novel ILP architectures fully compatible with common extant architectures such as PowerPC, x86, S/390, and Java Virtual Machine.

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   1 quotes  07-January-2012 
IBM's toolkit is based on tools developed for video and other applications in 1995-1996. Their toolkit reflects the Unix philosophy of shells, processes and generic tools, and demonstrate a shell-based implementation of the protocol and its usefulness...

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 9 - IBM Research Browse Website open in new window
   1 quotes  07-January-2012 
Projects and processes knowledge base from IBM's research labs worldwide.

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   1 quotes  07-January-2012 
Overview of their implementation and contribution to the MPEG-4 standard, especially for the Systems part.

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