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HOME Software Software Operating Systems Operating Systems Unix Unix BSD BSD Darwin Darwin

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A package manager for Darwin based on the Debian apt-get set of tools. 2900+ ports listed.

A paper on the design issues Apple faced when they ported the Mac OS to a semantically different Unix base (Darwin).

The mascot of the Darwin OS.

A paper written by Wilfredo Sánchez, the then Open Source Engineering Lead at Apple, about the use of open source in commercial software such as Mac OS X Server.

A guide to getting and installing an old (version 6) Darwin on an x86 system.

A Unix distribution which focuses on the porting of free software to Darwin and Mac OS X.

Official page with downloads of the various Darwin releases and developer tools.

Programming in the Darwin kernel and information on the differences between Darwin and other BSDs.

Olympos Turkmen Tree Hożuses

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