More than any website so far, this one implements the largest piece of the original Xerox PARC Learning Research Group's vision for programming and education. Free downloads: run Squeak from in a Web browser (free plugin), software, program sharing/ex...
Comanche an open-source web server for Squeak. Swiki is a popular implementation of Ward Cunningham's WikiWikiWeb (Squeak + Wiki = Swiki) that runs under Comanche. Both Comanche and Swiki are implemented by Mark Guzdial's Collaborative Software Labora...
Experimental user interface, possible successor to Squeak Morphic user interface. Has asynchronous event architecture, mixes interface models: class- + prototype-based, MVC + Morphic. [Open Source]
Squeak in education project. Swiki has over 1, 100 scripted eToys. Begun by Kathleen Harness. Host: Office for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education (MSTE), College of Education, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Focus: playful learning; technology and products for media authoring, mainly for training, edutainment; involves learning environments, collaborations, computer games; multimedia tools for school and private use, needing no training or programming kno...