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Official tutorial and references, including library/module usage, Macintosh libraries, language syntax, extending/embedding, and the Python/C API. Also links to off-site beginners' tutorials, HOWTOs, and many special interest topics.

Programs can use minimal code to access, display, and update a database. This guide provides "links to relevant Python modules, documentation, and projects" concerning databases, as well as adding persistence to Python objects.

New to programming? This page lists some places that can get you started quickly.

 4 - Python SIGs Browse Website open in new window
Archives of current and past listserv discussions on a LOT of interesting topics. GREAT for researching problems.

How to use regular expressions in Python with the re module, a gentle introduction.

Pointers to various helpful Python-related HOWTO documents.

Includes articles on simple script solutions, database management, web development, network protocols, and other advanced topics.

 8 - Python Recipes Browse Website open in new window
Collaborative website built by ActiveState and O'Reilly, hosts user contributions; collection of recipes.

 9 - Instant Hacking Browse Website open in new window
By Magnus Lie Hetland. Minimal, concise, general introduction to programming, via Python, moves very quickly. English, Italian, Polish, Japanese, Serbian, Korean.

A tutorial for python on Wikibooks. It is editable by anyone.

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