By Walt Brainerd, Charlie Goldberg, and Jeanne Adams (The Fortran Company). Tutorial-style presentation of all the important features of F. The topics are presented in an order that is natural for learning. The style is informal and there are many rea...
By Loren P. Meissner (Unicomp). Textbook covering the common elements of F and Essential Lahey Fortran, two subsets of Fortran 95. Site describes book.
By Jeanne Adams, Walt Brainerd, Jeanne Martin, and Brian Smith (Unicomp). Reference work for the F programmer, containing a two-page summary of each of the most important features of the F programming language. Site describes book.
By Robin Vowels (Unicomp). Emphasizes fundamentals of structured programming through study of F and Fortran 90/95. It is designed for a reader's second exposure to computer programming, whether it be through self-study or a course in computer science....