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HOME Programming Programming Languages Languages C++ C++ Exception Handling Exception Handling

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Lessons learned from specifying exception-safety for the C++ standard library.

Presents some guidelines when to use exceptions.

Explains why most members of the C++ community vastly underestimate the skills needed to program with exceptions and therefore underestimate the true costs of their use. By Tom Cargill.

An indepth discussion of how VC++ implements exception handling. Source code includes exception handling library for VC++.

Shows what object construction, and construction failure, mean in C++; and that function try blocks are useful to translate an exception thrown from a base or member subobject constructor.

Offers some insight into the use and potential misuse of exceptions.

It is becoming increasingly popular to consider throwing destructors a bad practice. This document presents some insights on the problem and shows that maybe throwing from a destructor is not such a bad idea.

Learn how to throw an exception, how to associate handlers, or catch clauses, with a set of program statements using a try block, how exceptions are handled by catch clauses, exception specifications, and design considerations for programs that use ex...

Exception handling in C++ can save a program from digital death, but it must be treated with care. Kevlin Henney explains how to make programs exception-safe.

Introduces the concept of exception handling for handling program errors.

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