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Memorial thread for Tedres, who was a member of the WebMasterWorld search engine and directory forums.

A man suspected of drunken driving, whose license has been suspended six times, struck and killed Ted Resnick on a Berkeley city street early yesterday while fleeing California Highway Patrol officers, authorities said.

Humorous dialogue between Ted when he was on staff at Magellan and comedy writer John Hargrave regarding Hargrave's site. Ted always found this old conversation amusing.

San Francisco Chronicle's initial article about Ted's death. A high-speed chase of a suspected drunk driver claimed Ted as a fatality when the suspect hit Ted's car.

A Suisun City man was charged with murder yesterday in the death of Theodore Resnick at the end of a high-speed chase in Berkeley involving the California Highway Patrol.

Op/Ed piece about how Ted's tragic death should prod rethinking of police policy about chases.

Risk to bystanders is part of decision. The death of Theodore Abraham Resnick, 33, of San Francisco has rekindled a long-standing debate over whether car chases on city streets pose too many risks.

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