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Station711 offers complete satellite communication service packages, including customized solutions helping our customers increase efficiency and profitability.

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Station711 offers complete satellite communication service packages, including customized solutions helping our customers increase efficiency and profitability.

Established in 2000, Station711 services mobile satellite communication networks all over the globe. Offering a unique and flexible platform, Station711 allows for the integration of the most advanced satellite communication technologies into existing infrastructures enabling significant savings of costs and resources.

Station711 is a dynamic continually developing company that prides itself on its close customer relations – taking the time to learn and understand the customers and their needs, before offering complete and tailored service packages that suit their exact requirements. This, together with 24/7 support by a team of experienced technicians and engineers, allows customers to improve efficiency and increase profitability.

Station711 offers a comprehensive range of mobile satellite communication services for the Maritime, Land and Aviation sectors, based on partnership and cooperation with Inmarsat, Beam and Iridium as well as technology developed in-house.

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