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 1 - IBM Redbooks Browse Website open in new window
Special type of less formal IBM manuals. Useful for users seeking more real-world examples than given in standard manuals. Usually details implementation and experiences of a project to implement IBM software and hardware, but some are conference pres...

Includes a Search facility. Catalog link then Products and Services includes information on and pictures of many historical pieces of mainframe hardware.

Although business continuity is the focus, many articles are mainframe-related. Also hosts an annual conference.

Convenient access to mainframe hardware and systems software planning and maintenance information. Registration is free, but is restricted to IBM customers, business partners and employees; confirmation takes about two business hours.

CMG is a user group focused on performance and resource management, especially for IBM mainframes, with an annual conference and exhibition in North America. Groups link lists local CMG groups worldwide.

 6 - z/Journal Browse Website open in new window
An independently-published mainframe-only magazine covering IBM zSeries hardware and the software that runs on it, including the VSE/ESA, z/VM, z/OS and Linux operating systems. Subscriptions are free in the U.S. and Canada.

IBM programs and information for anyone developing a commercial software product for IBM's mainframe operating systems. Including free software and low cost hardware through PartnerWorld for Developers, developerWorks and other programs.

IBM home page for current mainframe computer systems, with links to an overview, software, operating systems, networking, I/O connectivity, solutions, news, events, FAQs, support, education and a library of documents.

Manufacturer of IBM mainframe-compatible servers, services, software and storage. Fujitsu acquired Amdahl, originally founded by IBM System/360 architect Gene Amdahl.

A bimonthly IBM publication with technical overview and how-to articles and tips, mostly on systems software, with some hardware coverage; plus IBM and non-IBM product news. Written by IBM and non-IBM authors.

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