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HOME Hardware Hardware Calculators Calculators TI Graphing Calculators TI Graphing Calculators

CBL [3]
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 1 - Derive 5 Browse Website open in new window
TI site about DERIVE, as included with TI's advanced calculators.

TI's calculator division and the official site about TI calculators. Includes information about calculator models, computer linking software, and some math applications.

 3 - ticalc.org Browse Website open in new window
Features programming tutorials, columns, news articles, and thousands of files for download.

Presents a tutorial for the use of the TI-82 and the TI-83 plus Texas Instruments graphing calculators. It also presents a tutorial for using Texas Instruments' CBL and CBR data collection devices as well as Texas Instruments' Graphlink computer inter...

Problems and solutions about statistics for TI's, intended to supplement a general descriptive statistics course.

A general TI site with an emphasis on hardware, including linking software, infrared linking information, and a memory expander.

ZX Spectrum emulator for the TI-89 and TI-92+.

Games and programs with screenshots and descriptions for the TI-83, TI-85, and TI-86, along with polar graphing information.

 9 - C2 Coding Browse Website open in new window
Contains programs for the TI-83+, TI-85, and TI-89, with tutorials, programming contests, and links.

 10 - Yarin's Homepage Browse Website open in new window
Original programs for the TI-85, TI-86, and TI-92, as well as assembly programming tutorials.

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