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Advanced tutorial for the Vi/Ex editor written by Walter A. Zintz first published in Unix World magazine.

 12 - The ViPowered! Browse Website open in new window
Logo to use on web sites that are written and maintained with Vi.

 13 - Vi Editor Browse Website open in new window
A repository of helpful tools selected to aide students learning how to use the Vi editor

 14 - Vi Editor FAQ Browse Website open in new window
Information, tips, and tricks for learning and using Vi.

 15 - Vi Reference Browse Website open in new window
An expanded version of Maarten Litmaath's Vi Reference. More Ex commands and more examples.

Tutorial for new Vi users.

 17 - Vi Tutorial Browse Website open in new window
A good Vi tutorial and user guide aimed at engineering students.

 18 - Vimperator Browse Website open in new window
Free browser add-on for Firefox, which makes it look and behave like the Vim text editor.

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