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 Computers » Systems » RISC OS » Software » Fonts

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Unicode font library for this operating system, provides a high-level interface to rendering and measuring Unicode text. Source code available.


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 2 - FontFiend Browse Website open in new window
Intelligent font designer from iSV Products.


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A large collection of font samples and utilities for RISC OS computers.


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 4 - ManyFonts Browse Website open in new window
Font management program, for people with lots of fonts.


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 5 - EasyFont Pro Browse Website open in new window
Font management application. It allows you to preview all your fonts in a WYSIWYG display, as well as turn fonts on and off.


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 6 - Dr. Fonty Browse Website open in new window
Font designer program for RISC OS, from iSV Products.


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 7 - Typography CD Browse Website open in new window
Over 2100 high-quality fonts, all hinted with the NDT Expert hinting system.


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