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 Computers » Systems » Apple » Macintosh » FAQs, Help, and Tutorials

 Web Pages    11 - 20   of   28 Back to FAQs, Help, and Tutorials Home 

 11 - MacAssistant Browse Website open in new window
A newsletter covering basic tips and tutorials.


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 12 - AppleTechs Browse Website open in new window
News and resources for Macintosh technicians and advanced users. Includes articles and links.


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 13 - Mac ReviewCast Browse Website open in new window
Podcasts which review various Apple hardware and software products.


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Index of articles covering comparisons of the various Macintosh CPUs, and other interesting tidbits hard to find on the web.


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 15 - Mac-Mgrs Browse Website open in new window
A community of people who manage Macintoshes (generally in rather large numbers) who come together for peer support. Focused mailing list (questions and summaries only) and searchable archive.


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Information on upgrade options for various Macs. Includes an email questions forum.


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 17 - Powermacuser.com Browse Website open in new window
Discusses the latest Mac reviews and tips, and provides help on hard to solve problems.


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Offers tips on customizing your Mac, Macintosh lingo, organization, software tips, troubleshooting, and tweaking.


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 19 - Dr. Mac Website Browse Website open in new window
A column by Dr. Mac (Bob LeVitus) on how to use your Mac


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A list of problems and ways to solve, them plus tips for specific programs.


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