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 Computers » Systems » Apple » Macintosh » Development » Languages » Python

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   10

Bridge between the Objective-C and Python languages, allowing programmers to write Cocoa GUI applications on Mac OS X in pure Python. Includes documentation, FAQ, downloads, examples, and a mailing list.


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A port of Guido van Rossum's high-level object-oriented language, Python, to the Mac.


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Creator of the IDE. Features some little scripts that Just has done to better Mac Python.


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A Special Interest Group hosted on the Python language site, offering a mailing list for MacPython users to contact each other for help.


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Includes documentation on W and how to compile Python under MPW, plus a few Python additions.


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Tips on setting up Internet file mappings to automatically convert downloaded Python documents to be Mac friendly.


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How to get Gnuplot working with MacPython under MacOS X, with relatively few downloads.


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 8 - Pythonmania Browse Website open in new window
A collection of HOWTOs for MacPython. Mostly in German, but some in English.


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 9 - MacPython stuff Browse Website open in new window
A collection of patches to the IDE for MacPython, including added printer support, syntax coloring, and correct selection clustering.


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 10 - Python Software Browse Website open in new window
Patches to add command history, Internet Config integration, and support for space-indented source files to the MacPython IDE.


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