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 Computers » Systems » Apple » Macintosh » Development » Languages » BASIC » RealBasic

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Object-oriented BASIC programming language. REALbasic is a powerful, easy-to-use tool for creating your own software for Macintosh, Mac OS X, and Windows. Designed for both beginners and professionals. Compiles and connects to SQL databases.


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Offers a series of tutorials ending 2003.


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Free source code for movie players, and jpeg decoders.


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A commercial company who sell RealBasic library interfaces that allow you to use the advanced features of MacOS. Libraries allow you use things such as QuickDraw, Memory managers and so on.


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Numerous Realbasic plugins including HTMLrendering and NavFolderitem. Also some developer tools such as RB Plugin Plunger and MongoToDCon.


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Open source REALbasic projects and plugins geared towards games and multimedia application development.


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Provides a lot of useful extensions and sample code for REALbasic programmers. All for free and with source code.


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Code, classes, applications and information on REALbasic programming. Site available in English and Italian.


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This site is for developers who want to use Apple's MPW to compile REALbasic plug-ins.


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Beginning to Program the Mac with REALbasic. This is a 9 lesson online tutorial on RB programming. Great place for beginners of REALbasic to get started.


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